Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA School of Dance
All classes at the YMCA-YWCA School of Dance are under the direction of Kimberlee Kups-Benson. Miss Kimi has been active in dance since the age of 3 and has been an instructor at the Y for more than 30 years.
All primary and elementary classes have a primary instructor and assistant or student teacher. The class dynamics, not the class size, dictates this ratio and is decided by the studio director. Contact [email protected] or 641-752-8658 x302 for more information on the Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA School of Dance.
2024-25 Dance Brochure
Summer 2024 Dance Brochure
PRIMARY BALLET & TAP COMBINATION CLASSES: (Ages 3-4 year old Ballet and Tap)
Combination of creative movement activities and basic beginner step of tap and ballet. The class encourages growth of small and large motor skills and musicality. This fast-paced class keeps the attention of little dancers, and will incorporate props, songs and games. This class is an opportunity for both boys and girls to gain independence and creativity in a positive and fun environment.
Elementary age classes vary in size from 5 to 15 dancers in the class, class sizes are at studio director’s discretion. The class introduces dancers to the foundations of classical ballet with correct posture and weight placement, alignment, control of turnout, spatial awareness and rhythm presented in creative and structured class. Elementary tap uses basic tap steps and slow upbeat music so children can develop and learn to count music while dancing at the same time. Basic rhythm patterns for the feet with musical phrasing.
ALL LEVEL TAP CLASSES: Beginner (1 and 2), Intermediate (3 and 4), Advanced (5, 6 and 7),
Tap 1– 7. Rhythm patterns for the feet including standard time step, clogs, soft-shoe and percussive styles, the more complicated steps of the Tap repertoire. The higher the level the more complicated the steps and patterns and incorporates “tricks”. Our classes teach hoofing, soft-shoe, folk, Irish and Broadway tap. We feel dancers need to explore all of the genres of tap.
CLOGGING: Prerequisite Tap 1-3
Must purchase Steven’s Stompers black Clogging Shoes. Please see Miss Kimi with questions.
ALL LEVELED JAZZ CLASSES: Beginner (1, 2 and 3), Intermediate (4 and 5), Advanced (6, 7 and 8)
Jazz 1 and 2: This energetic class includes a stretching and cardiovascular warm up, along with basic body isolations using upbeat and popular music. Dancers will learn basic classical jazz, as well as hip hop, contemporary, lyrical and musical theater.
Jazz 3,4 and 5: Basic combinations of rhythmic, percussive movements of traditional jazz style. This class practices more advanced combinations in center and progressions across the floor. Dancers will work on multiple turns, jumps and leaps. This class begins to explore the different layers of jazz from hip hop to lyrical.
Jazz 6, 7 and 8: These levels are advanced and fast paced classes, including extensive work in the technical part of jazz styles. All Jazz 6, 7 and 8 dancers should be able to at least execute a “clean” double pirouette, fouette turns, grand jete, splits and complicated floor combinations. We challenge our students with many different forms of jazz, all high energy but with different styles.
ALL LEVELED BALLET CLASSES: Beginner (1 and 2), Intermediate (3 and 4), Advanced (5) Pointe (Technique)
Ballet is the foundation of all dance forms. Body placement, flexibility, balance, alignment, strength, and technique are achieved through ballet. The Dance Konnection uses the Cecchetti, Vagonova and RAD technique intertwined.
BALLET 1: This class uses physical discipline, general body awareness and control coordinating elementary technique and terminology. Beginner Barre exercises as well as across the floor and center progressions and combinations. Vocabulary tests are given.
BALLET 2: This class focuses on understanding the relationship between music, rhythm and controlled movement with proper ballet technique. Combinations will be taught using basic steps from level 1 in addition to steps taught in Level 2.
BALLET 3: Requires both technical ability and strength from Level 1 and 2. New and more complex material will be taught at an accelerated pace. Students will begin to learn basic ballet history and develop a knowledge and appreciation of the great ballets, classical music and famous dancers. Students consolidate technical skills and an extended range of movement in sequences of increased length and complexity. They will acquire a clear understanding of the mechanics and purpose of the required vocabulary.
BALLET 4/PRE-POINTE: This class will expand on the students creative abilities through the practice of variations. The level four student will develop a poise and ability to perform confidently in front of others. This class is a stepping stone to the more Advanced Ballet 5 class and/or Pointe 1.
BALLET 5: These students are dancers who choose not to take Pointe or may not be physically “right” for Pointe. This is also a perfect class for the dancer who wants more ballet in their dance regimen. An advanced class, combining skills from previous level classes and correlating steps to lengthy and complex combinations with correct technique, extensive terminology and knowledge of the art of ballet itself.
BALLET TECHNIQUE: This is a required ballet class for all dancers in Pointe 1, 2, & 3. This class focuses on strength and technique. REQUIRED!
ALL LEVELED POINTE CLASSES: Beginner (1), Intermediate (2), Advanced (3)
** All Pointe classes require prerequisites from Miss Kimi.
** All Pointe 1, 2, and 3 dancers must attend Ballet 6 class for additional technique.
POINTE 1: Beginner class that will execute beginner pointe technique. This class concentrates on the transference of ballet steps from Demi-Pointe to Pointe. This class is open to only those female dancers who have achieved the necessary technique and strength.
POINTE 2: Accelerated version of Pointe 1. Dancers will work on more center floor combinations and variations.
POINTE 3: More complex class than Pointe 1 and 2. This class is structured for the serious dancers of ballet. Floor progressions and variations are more complex. The students master a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary, as well as a wide range of movements.
Combines classic dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. Acro dance uses tumbling, limbering, balancing, partnering; based on flexibility, contortion and strength. *Tumbletots: Learn acrobatic position, locomotive, balance and classroom behavior skills. Focuses on movement concepts, cooperation and social skills.
Prerequisites: *must be enrolled in other dance classes
Level prerequisites: *Determined by Instructor testing
Tumble Tots: Ages 3-5 little to no tumbling experience
Acrobatics Level 1: Ages 6-18 little to no tumbling experience
Acrobatics Level 2: Ages 7-18 must be able to do a backbend from standing
Acrobatics Level 3: Ages 7-18 must be able to do a back hand spring
Acrobatics Levels 4 & 5: Instructor prerequisite
This class combines strengthening and stretching exercises using isometric techniques. This class is geared towards dancers. We will be using yoga, Pilates and other techniques.
*Conditioning is offered Mondays and Wednesdays. Dancers may come to either class time, whatever day and time fits their schedule best. Dancers may come to both class times each week if they choose. There is no extra charge for attending two times per week. Dancers must be registered for one for attendance purposes, but can attend one or both.
The class is geared toward toddlers, 18 months to 3 years, and the special adult in his or her life. Activities will include dance games, playing instruments, and singing songs. Learn new and creative ways to enjoy music and dance. This class will be in three 6-week sessions *Look for Parent Tot Flyer to announce session dates
Boys classes are in addition to being enrolled in at least one other regular dance class (*can be Acro) This is a great class for male dancers to be with other boys who dance and learn just “boys” routines. This will be a jazz-based class and all levels are welcome.
This class is performance-based and includes precision dancing. Dancers learn basic cheer, precision, auxiliary and pompon skills. Team does community performances and parades. Uniforms are required. Dancers must also purchase poms and bring to class each week, $35/pair (subject to change). Can be purchased online.
This group is by invitation only. Placement is done by Miss Kimi.
Private lessons are available for any age and level. To schedule lessons, please contact Miss Kimi directly by phone or email.
(prod-i-jee), noun: A person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability. A marvelous example.
This is an accelerated learning program, open to all dancers serious about dance education. If your dancer is enrolled in 4 or more dance classes at the studio, you are automatically in Prodigy. Example: You are taking Jazz, Tap, Pilates and Pointe. This makes you part of the program. All dance classes at the Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA School of Dance are included (except Competition Team and KK Dancers). You must be on the roster. If you are enrolled in Ballet and Pointe, then both classes count toward the four necessary classes to make you a Prodigy.
What are the benefits of the Prodigy Program?
The program entitles you to discounted rates for workshops and events held at the YMCA-YWCA School of Dance. There will be free extra class offerings only open to Prodigy Students along with discounted or free dance wear or items. Field trips to see dance shows or ballets may also be planned. Please contact Miss Kimi with questions.
An innovative program that trains muscle memory to achieve dancer’s personal best in classical ballet. *This class is not a replacement for but an addition to Ballet. Dancers must attend a leveled ballet class and purchase own equipment.
Prerequisite Jazz 3. A dance style that focuses on a dancer’s own interpretations instead of structured steps
Prerequisite Level 3 classes. Uses all genres of dance, acting and singing to perform content from musicals or characters.